For the minimalist in you. Offers a lot of storage space for such a small pack. The CHONGHOJ 10L Ultralight Waterproof Travel Backpack is the ideal daypack for when you need more stuff than you want to carry in your pockets. The large compartments will keep your belongings separated and safe. The sleek and slim design makes it easy to walk, jog, or ride with. For more high quality, cheap ski gear visit our homepage.
Features of the CHONGHOJ 10L Ultralight Waterproof Travel Backpack
Perfect for Any Outdoor Activity
Take it on a day hike or ride and stuff it enough water, snacks, and a change of clothes. Good for everyday use. Take your laptop and a few textbooks with you to the cafe.
High-Quality Materials
The waterproof polyester keeps your electronics protected from moisture. The precision stitching keeps this pack sealed from the moisture and dust. Manufactured to prevent ripping and tearing.
Featherweight and Comfortable
Even when full, youll hardly notice youre carrying it on your back. The padded and adjustable straps combine to provide a custom fit.
Functions: Waterproof and Tear-Resistant
Gender: Unisex
Backpacks Type: Softback
Size: 40cm x 22cm x 10cm
Brand Name: CHONGHOJ
Rain Cover: No
Material: Nylon
Use for: Climbing, Cycling, Camping, Hiking, Traveling
Capacity: 10L
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