In Vertical Mind, Don McGrath and Jeff Elison will take you on a journey into congnitive neuroscience whilst remaining comprehensible and conversational.
Combining the outer world of climbing with the inner world of neurons, muscle memory and scripts, McGrath and Elison utilise the latest research in brain science to explain how our psychology works and how we can reprogam ourselves for success.
Verical Mind intersperses the chatty prose with fun exercises, paradigms and philosophies which we can use to overcome our mind’s background scripts that can often sabotage our successes and enjoyment in climbing. The knowledge you will gain from this book will be applicable to many other sports and day to day life.
If you are a climber who wants to climb harder and have more fun, then Vertical Mind is required reading!
“In Vertical Mind, Elison and McGrath, psychologically define many of the mental training tips I’ve learned through decades on the rock. Now climbers have a clear blueprint and exercise to follow in order to psychologically prepare for climbing.”
– Lynn Hill
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